Short Goal “Religion” #just start

Zeeshan Sial
3 min readOct 29, 2020

My Goal

A few days back, I sat down and gave a thought to identify what are some of the values that I need to develop in myself. One of those values is being close to my faith, Islam.

Why I Made It My Goal

We as believers of the faith of Islam, have a strong belief that this entire universe, including us, is made by Allah SWT and He is the one who’s running it. And we as believers must live our lives as instructed to us in the form of his Holy Scripture, The Quran, through our prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. That is the key to our success in this life and the life to come. Lately, I feel that I have moved a bit distant to my faith and i’m not able to feel the connection that I should fee with my Creator primarily because I’m so deeply indulged in my worldly affairs and worries that I seem to have forgotten Him. So I want to make a serious effort to be close to Allah again.

My Challenges

My past few years, specially the four years of undergrad, I had a really hard time in my personal life. I wasn’t happy with field of study, I didn’t like my college very much and I was always in a state of stress. That situation used to drive me close to Allah and I sometimes used to offer Salah and pray to Allah to give me peace. But somehow, I used to get distracted due to my circumstances and loose my path. I know it sounds strange. My situation should draw me close to Allah but it somehow led me astray.

My Experience

In this week, I committed to myself that I’ll try my best to offer Salah five times a day and I won’t even miss one. On Monday, I got up for Fajar before getting up for office. I couldn’t offer Zuhr and Asar because I was in office. I came home at 6 and offered Magrib and the Isha prayer at night. I really felt relaxed and at peace and at the same time I regretted that I missed Zuhr and Asar.

The Challenges That I Faced

Due to my office routine I wasn’t able to offer Zuhr and Asar prayers. Unfortunately, there is no specified area for prayer in my office for ladies but I know that’s no excuse.

Learning From My Experience

Offering Salah gave me so much peace and contention. I talked to Allah and said whatever I had in my heart to Him when I prayed with my hands raised. It’s such a divine and spiritual feeling that one has to experience it to know it.

Next Steps

My next steps would be to read the Quran in order to understand its divine words. I have also thought of helping a poor family from my salary in the upcoming days. I want to get them basic necessities of life like food and clothing.

