Eat That Frog With a Pomodoro

Zeeshan Sial
3 min readAug 21, 2020


The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Girillo. This technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals , mainly 25 minutes in length , separated by short breaks. Here, the frog describes about any sort of distraction that disturbs you while doing a work. So, Pomodoro is all about eating that frog which is disturbing you from doing your work.

Pomodoro Alarm

My Task:

In this week I have to submit my PW2 at Amal. It took me about 5 hours to complete my first online course. Out of these 5 hours I merely spent 2 hours on my work, rest of the time is wasted in distractions and due to procrastination. As soon as, I learned about the Pomodoro technique from the online course I decided to apply it on myself.

Select Task for applying Pomodoro Technique:

First of all I have picked the task that I have to focus on this particular part of the project work which is assigned to me. I picked the online course 2 from the work.

Set the timer:

After picking the task I set a timer of 25 minutes which is the traditional time for Pomodoro technique. Then I started my online course 2. I focused myself to the work so that nothing distracts me, but still I face some of the distractions during my work.


1.Mobile Notifications:

Mobile notifications pops up on the screen and the light of the mobile distracts me. So, I turned off my mobile phone and put it upside down on the table. In this way I tackle this distraction.

2.To eat something:

While working I feel hungry so, I got distracted by this as well. I thought I have to eat something but then I decide to eat any thing as reward of Pomodoro. So, I decided to eat this frog of distraction and focus on my work.

Take a Break:

Avoiding the distractions I almost completed 25 % of my online course. Meanwhile The alarm bell rang. So, I decided to take a short break of about 5 minutes. In this break I ate an apple because I was feeling hungry and got distracted by this during my work. While eating the apple I also checked my Mobile Phone so that if there is something important I can respond to it.

Apple as reward


In a nutshell, I would say that this technique helps me a lot and save a lot of time. By using this technique I have completed online course in 2 to 3 hours. And I feel much satisfactory and motivate myself for every next 25 min. This technique also reduce my bad habit of using phone during work. I will also try my best to implement this technique in my future tasks as well.

